Alternative Payment/CalWORKs Online Reporting Portal


Fiscal Reporting

When completing the CalWORKs Stage 2 and Stage 3 Caseload Report you must report actual caseload numbers, provider payments, child months of services, etc. When completing the Child Development Fiscal Services Report, per Title 5 regulations, the accrual method must be used when reporting revenue and expenses. Not following these rules may adversely affect the amount of funding that is made available to your agency.

If you have additional questions please contact your fiscal analyst. A list of analysts by county can be found on the Department's Child Development Web page under "Analyst Directories".

The New Regional Market Rate TrustLined/Relative Maximum Reimbursement Ceilings

Assembly Bill 97 (Chapter 14 of the Statues of 2017), which was signed into law on June 27, 2017, maintained the previous Regional Market Rate ceilings through December 31, 2017. Effective January 1, 2018 the new Regional Market Rate ceilings for licensed providers are established at the 75th percentile of the 2016 Regional Market Rate survey or the Regional Market Rate ceilings as they existed on December 31, 2017, whichever is greater. The license-exempt child care providers continues to be 70 percent of the family child care home ceiling.

The current ceilings are available at Reimbursement Ceilings for Subsidized Child Care.

Instructions: Please enter a vendor code and password then select the 'Logon' button:


Questions: Child Development Fiscal Services |